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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

*click on tag to view full-size*

PTU Make Muffins

This tutorial was written by Millie on 11/7/2012.
Any similarity with any other is just coincidence.
I used PSP x2 but any version should work with no problem.
Let's get started!

Artist: PinUpToons 

Scrapkit: Old Country Kitchen by Wilma4Ever 

Plugins: xero - porcelain, xero - clarify

Font: I used Passions Conflict

File - new - 700x700 - flood fill with white
Open pp10, resize to 700x700 pixels, c/p as new layer
Open EL 82, resize by 60%, sharpen
c/p as new layer move to the left of the tag
Open EL47, resize by 65%, sharpen
c/p as new layer move to the right of the tag
place it so that the shelf is place on the floor
Open EL89, resize by 50% - sharpen - c/p as new layer
Place next to the shelf
Open EL46, c/p as new layer
Place in center of tag to your liking
Open EL45, resize by 50% - sharpen
c/p as new layer and place under table layer
Open EL43, resize by 50%, then 80% - sharpen
c/p as new layer, place it on bottom of shelf in corner
Open EL29, resize by 60%, sharpen, c/p as new layer
Place on top of the table
Open EL61, resize by 50% 2x - sharpen, c/p as new layer
place inside of the bowl on the table
Merge down, resize by 85%, sharpen, move on top of shelf next to butter
Open EL72, resize by 50% 2x - sharpen, c/p as new layer
Place on the table to your liking
Open EL27, resize by 50% - sharpen
place so it looks like its hanging against the wall
Open EL30, resize by 50% 2x - sharpen
c/p as new layer and place on top of green counter
Open your tube c/p as a new layer, image - mirror
Move it to the left of the tag
Add a light drop shadow all throughout
Merge visible
Resize to 600x600
Effects - xero porcelain, change blue channel to 0
Effects - xero - clarify
Image - add borders, size 1, color black, symmetric checked
Hit ok
Selections - all, contract by 1, 3d effects - cutout
v 1, h 1, opacity 100, blur 10, shadow - black, interior w color not checked
hit ok
Selections - none
Image - add borders, size 3, color white
with magic wand click inside white frame and flood fill with gold gradient of choice
selections - none
image - add borders - size 1, color black
We're done.
Add your credits and your name somewhere.
Thanks for trying my tutorial.


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