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All things I provide on this blog are of my own creation.
Any resemblance to others is strictly coincidence.
Please do not share.
Do not claim as yours.
If you use any items here please link back to my blog.
Most of them are on always lists anyway so if you want your name on them join one or just email me and I will do it for you.
I have a list of places where I currently have an always list on side of the blog.
I update the list of sites every month depending of where I'm offering.
So if you want my tags you can pick one and join.
No translations of my tutorials.
Feel free to send me anything that you make with my stuff and I will gladly showcase it. My email is
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Labels:FB Timeline Templates | 0
Labels:ads | 0
Tag was made with today's freebie from Rac w purchase!
This layer is available today only! 10/31/2013
Do NOT miss out!
Made some snags for you all
Please do not alter in any way
Thank you!
Labels:CT-Tags,Ismael Rac,Snags | 1 comments
This tag was made with special halloween layer from Girltude tube
This is a freebie for special of the day today.
More information below.
Template 407
You can download it HERE HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone.
Today ONLY 10/31/13 special is uber awesome.
One tube has never been in Rac's store and it never will be and a special made layer of the girl tude tube here if you want to buy her
Spend ANY $$$ in the store today ONLY and you get both these tubes how amazing is that.
Send your receipts into CS to claim
GC is not accepted as a form of payment.
Labels:CT-Tags,Ismael Rac,Templates,Temps 401-450 | 0
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
This tag was made with "On The Cat Walk Special" tube
You can get it today for free in the Rac Store with purchase.
Check the details below.
I also used Sexy Lingerie Girl kit which you can also find in his store!
Check it out!
I used template 406
You can download it HERE Whoo look what I found in my DB this morning...
Ismael loves you all because he did a special not in the store revamp of his amazing on the cat walk tube. OMG you get 8 different coat colors.
The Diamonds come off if you don't want the bling but what girl does not love her bling?
Rac has been working so hard for you all this month so lets show him some love back.
Spend any $$ amount in the store TODAY ONLY 10/30/13 YOU MUST SPEND MONEY IN THE STORE TODAY TO GET THIS AWESOME SPECIAL LAYER. Send your Paypal or store receipt into CS to claim her. GC not accepted as a form of payment.
Labels:CT-Tags,Ismael Rac,Templates,Temps 401-450 | 1 comments
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Labels:Templates,Temps 401-450 | 0
This tag was made with Sexy Hard Men from Arthur Crowe
I also used the matching kit!
You can find them both soon HERE
Template 403
Download it HERE
Labels:Arthur Crowe,CT-Tags,Templates,Temps 401-450 | 1 comments
This tag was made with brand new "Dress Attitude" tube and kit
You can find them in the Xeracx Store HERE
Made some snags.
Please do not alter them in any way.
Labels:CT-Tags,Ismael Rac,Snags | 0
This tag was made with BB BCA tube (special layer) from Ismael Rac
*this bca layer is not available in the store*
I used BCA freebie kit by Sweet Tooth Studio
Template 402
You can download it HERE
Today ONLY! All receipts store or pay pal must be dated for 10/29/2013.
This is from my own vault again lol a special layer of this tube.
Its BB BCA and its a single special layer and close up I had Rac do for me but now I share her with you Spend any amount in store and get her free just send your receipt to cs to claim.
GC not accepted as a form of payment. This tube is not in the store so this is the only way to get her
Labels:BCA,CT-Tags,Ismael Rac,Templates,Temps 401-450 | 1 comments
Monday, October 28, 2013
*click on image to view full size*
PTU Kiss In The Snow
This tutorial was written by me on October 28, 2013.
It was made out of my own creation and any similarity is purely coincidental.
I used pspx5 but any version should work without problems.
If you're doing this tutorial you must have good psp knowledge and be familiar with the tools.
Let's get started!
Artist: Ismael Rac
Scrapkit: Warm Winter Glow by Amy Marie
Template: 399 by me HERE
Font: Carlotta
Open template - duplicate - close original
delete cr layer - make background layer visible
Click on layer 1 with magic wand - new layer
Selections - modify - smooth selection
Smooth amount 10 Anti-Atlas checked - hit ok
Open paper5 - c/p into selection - deselect - add drop shadow
Click on layer 2 with magic wand - new layer
Selections - modify - smooth selection
Smooth amount 10 Anti-Atlas checked - hit ok
Open paper8 - c/p into selection - deselect - add drop shadow
Open 24 - resize by 80% - c/p as new layer
Open 9 - place to left - duplicate - mirror
On layer 3 - open tube close up and place on top of layer 3
Click on layer 3 with magic wand - new layer
Selections - modify - smooth selection
Smooth amount 10 Anti-Atlas checked - hit ok
Open paper2 - c/p into selection
On tube layer - invert - delete
Change blend mode to overlay - new layer
Selections - modify - select selection borders
Both sides - anti atlas checked - border width 2 - hit ok
Fill with color from tag - adjust - add noise - uniform - 100
Deselect - add drop shadow
Merge tube down to paper - merge border down to tube
Add drop shadow - duplicate - mirror
Erase layer 4
Click on layer 5 with magic wand - new layer
Selections - modify - smooth selection
Smooth amount 10 Anti-Atlas checked - hit ok
Open paper6 - c/p into selection - deselect - add drop shadow
Open 4 - place to the bottom
Click on layer 7 with magic wand - new layer
Selections - modify - smooth selection
Smooth amount 10 Anti-Atlas checked - hit ok
Open paper7 - c/p into selection - new layer
Selections - modify - select selection borders
Both sides - anti atlas checked - border width 1 - hit ok
Fill with color from tag - adjust - noise - uniform 100 - hit ok
Merge down - add drop shadow - duplicate - mirror
105 - place to the left - rotate left some w deform tool
Open 103 - resize 50% - place to left
Open 57 - place to the bottom
Open 51 - resize by 65% - place to bottom right
Open tube - resize to fit tag - place in the middle
Xero - porcelain - change blue channel to 0
Open 40 place to the bottom left - duplicate - mirror - merge down
On layer 8
Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel
Bevel 2 - Width 20
Image Smoothness 20 - depth 20 - ambiance 20 - shininess 20
Light Color: white - angle 319 - intensity 50 - elevation 35 - hit ok
Move down some - add drop shadow
Delete background layer - merge visible
Add credits and name
Labels:Amy Marie,CT-Tags,Ismael Rac,PTU Tutorials,winter | 0
Labels:Fall,FB Timeline Templates | 0
This tag was made with Skirt Attitude by Ismael Rac
She was just released and you can find her HERE
I also used matching kit for her.
Grab it while you're there :)
Template 401
You can download it HERE
Labels:CT-Tags,Ismael Rac,Templates,Temps 401-450 | 0
*click on image to view full size*
PTU Musical Autumn
This tutorial was written by me on October 28, 2013.
It was made out of my own creation and any similarity is purely coincidental.
I used pspx5 but any version should work without problems.
If you're doing this tutorial you must have good psp knowledge and be familiar with the tools.
Let's get started!
Artist: Margarita by Arthur Crowe
Scrapkit: Autumn Seranade by Gimptastic Scraps
Mask: fall mask 2 by Dangerous Deliciously Designz
Font: Allure
*open your mask and minimize in your workspace*
File - New - 700x700 - flood fill w white
Open frame 5 - c/p as new layer - rotate to right w deform tool
Opne window - c/p as new layer - click inside window w magic wand
Expand by 5 - new layer
Open paper 8 - c/p into selection - deselect
Add drop shadow to window
Open flower 1 - place to bottom right
Open deco 3 - resize by 50% - place to bottom right
Open music notes - place to bottom
Open leaves - place to right - duplicate - mirror
Open string of bling - place to top right
Open candelabra - resize by 80% - place to right
Open keybox - resize by 50% - place to bottom right
Open violin - place to right
Open tube - resize to fit tag - place to right
Xero - porcelain - change blue channel to 0
Duplicate tube - change blend to overlay - opacity to 42
Click on background with magic wand - new layer
Open paper1 - c/p into selection
Layers - New mask layer - From Image
Find your mask in source window - hit ok
Merge group
Delete background layer - merge visible
Add credits and name
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Blog Archive
- Timeline Template 51
- Template 408 and Tag Show Off w Spazz
- Need Someone To Make Your Kit Previews?
- Tag and Snags w Rac's Freebie today
- Template 407 and new Deal Of The Day from Rac
- PTU Blue and Magical
- Template 406 and another Rac Special The Day
- Template 405
- Template 404 and New tube show off from Arthur Cro...
- Template 403 and hot tube COMING SOON FROM Arthur ...
- Tag and Snags with Ismael Rac
- Template 402 and Rac Freebie TODAY ONLY
- PTU Kiss In The Snow
- Timeline Template 50
- Template 401 and Tag with Ismael Rac
- PTU Musical Autumn
- Template 400 and Snake Eyes COMING SOON from Arthu...
- Template 399
- Template 398 and Tag Show Off w Rac plus freebie info
- FTU Hope and Love
- Timeline template 49
- Template 397 and Tag Show Off with New Tony Tz tube
- Tag and Snags with Tony Tz
- PTU Winter Present Timeline
- Template 396 and Under Arrest COMING SOON from Ton...
- Timeline Template 48
- CT Tags for Alfadesire
- Template 395 and Rock Yeh from Tony Tz COMING SOON
- Template 394
- PTU Officer Sexy Pants
- Tag and Snags w Di_Halim and Candy's Treats
- Template 393 and CT tag with Bookworm Dezines
- Tag and Snags with Di Halim
- PTU Feelin' The Cold
- Template 392 and Rac Tag Show Off and Freebie Info
- Template 391 and Tag Show Off
- PTU Beautiful Fairy
- Template 390 and New Roman Zaric Show Off
- Template 389
- Template 388 and Coming Soon tube from Roman
- Snags with Adriana COMING SOON from Roman Zaric
- PTU Perfectly Ready For Autumn
- Template 387 and Tag plus New Releases from Rac
- Template 386
- PTU Hot Ball Chick
- Template 385 and XFantasy Girls by Ismael Rac Comi...
- Sexy Tribe Girl coming soon from Rac plus snags
- Timeline Template 47
- Tag w Ninaste and Template 384
- Template 383
- PTU Elegant Magic
- Template 382 and Tag Show Off w Arthur Crowe
- Template 381
- PTU When The Night Falls
- Template 380
- Timeline Template 46
- Template 379 and Tag Show Off w Spazz
- Template 378 and Tag Show Off w Arthur Crowe
- Template 377
- Template 376 and Tag Show Off w Abstract Creations
- Template 375 and Tag Show Off with Roman Zaric
- Tag and Snags with Derzi BCA Angel
- Template 374 and Rac Tag Show Off and Rac Sale
- Template 373 and another Coming Soon from Tony Tz ...
- PTU I Am What You Want
- Timeline Template 45
- Tag and Snags with Coming Soon Tony Tzanoukis
- Ismael Rac Sale Going on!
- Template 372 and Tag with Coming Soon Carmel Apple...
- Arthur Crowe is having a SALE
- PTU Blue In Your Dreams
- Tag and Snags with Bookworm Dezines
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- Template 370 and Tag Show Off w Arthur Crowe
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- Template 369
- Template 368 and Tag Show Off with Derzi
- PTU Pretty Winter
- Template 367 and Tag Show Off w Abstract Creations
- Template 366
- Tag and Snags with Misty from Spazz
- Template 365 and Tag Show Off w Kizzed by Kelz
- Another Rac Freebie Available and she's hot
- Timeline Template 43
- PTU Rose For Your Winter
- 2nd Set of Tag and Snags with Autumn Elegance BONU...
- Template 364 and Tag Show Off w Arthur Crowe's Cou...
- COMING SOON from Arthur Crowe - Autumn Elengance
- PTU Sweet Autumn Day
- PTU Gimme That Skull
- Template 363
- Tag and Snags w new tube from Roman Zaric
- Template 362
- PTU The City Is My Playground
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- Template 361
- Halloween Tag and Snags w Pandora Creations and Ki...
- Template 360
- PTU Think Pink