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CT Blinkies

VM + VMA Artist CT

VM + VMA Scrap Designers

Artists CT

KIT Promo


Let's Get Steamed for Kimmy



All things I provide on this blog are of my own creation.
Any resemblance to others is strictly coincidence.
Please do not share.
Do not claim as yours.
If you use any items here please link back to my blog.
Most of them are on always lists anyway so if you want your name on them join one or just email me and I will do it for you.
I have a list of places where I currently have an always list on side of the blog.
I update the list of sites every month depending of where I'm offering.
So if you want my tags you can pick one and join.
No translations of my tutorials.
Feel free to send me anything that you make with my stuff and I will gladly showcase it. My email is


Monday, July 9, 2012
Used unreleased black cat tube from TonyT Store.
This baby will be our really soon so keep your eyes out for it.

I also used PTU scrapkit "SmexyEMOStyle" by Alika's Scraps
You can find this kit in O'Scrap Candy Shack.

Here are some snags for you.
Click on tag to save full-size.


Scrapkit: Monkey Business by Mystical Illusionz
You can find this kit in Scraps From The Heart
She is designer of the month so you can get this kit for 75c all through July.

Tube: Ismael Rac - Birthday Girl
You can find this tube in the Xeracx Store

Mask: any of your choice
Font: I used Independant (small caps) and Ballroom Waltz 

Open your tube and mask and minimize it

File - New - 600x600 
Flood Fill White
Rename layer to background

Open ele04 (frame)
Resize 65%
C/P as a new layer
Rename layer as frame

With magic wand click inside the frame
Selections - Expand - 10
Click on background layer

Open pp04
copy and paste as a new layer
Selections - Invert - Delete
Selections - None

Click on frame layer
Drop Shadow 0 0 50 3
Open ele02 (balloons)
C/P as a new layer
Move it to the right a little bit
*how ever you like it best*
Drop shadow same as above
Rename layer to balloons

Open ele08
Resize 50% Adjust Sharpen
C/P as a new layer
Move to the right and place to your liking

Open ele12
Resize 80% Adjust Sharpen
C/P as a new layer
Move to the left
Place someone on top of monkey on frame
or to your liking

Open ele09 (cake)
Resize 50% Adjust Sharpen
C/P as a new layer
Move to the left some

Open ele06 (flower)
Resize 50% Adjust Sharpen
Resize 80% Adjust Sharpen
C/P as a new layer
Image - Mirror
Move to the right and place to your liking
drop shadow same as above
Rename layer to flower
Duplicate layer
Image - Mirror
Merge Down

Click background layer
Open ele11
Resize 50%
C/P as a new layer
Move all the way to the left
Duplicate layer
Image - Mirror
Merge Down
Rename layer glitter

Click on background layer
Open pp07 
C/P as a new layer
Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image
In source window find the name of your mask
*it should be in drop down menu since your mask is open and minimized*
Create mask from Source luminance
Invert mask data unchecked
Hit ok
*still on mask layer*
Merge - Group

Click on flower layer
Open tube and resize to your liking
C/P as a new layer
Place in middle of the tag

Use your text tool.
Independant font 72pt
I used blue background and yellow foreground from the kit
stroke: 1.00 
Write "BIRTHDAY" in all caps 
Convert to raster layer
Effects - Penta - color dot default settings
drop shadow 2 -2 60 3

Change your font to Ballroom Waltz
72pt close off foreground 
make the background yellow
Write "Happy" and move it so it can be above "Birthday"
convert to raster layer
Effects - Gradient Glow 
*basic tab* 3, 25, 100 draw only outside selection checked
*color tab* glow setting medium color blue from foreground
opacity 100 - hit ok
drop shadow 2, -2, 60, 3

Write your name with colors and dropshadow that you want.

Add copyright information

delete the background layer

merge visible

save as png

Friday, July 6, 2012
This tag was made with the amazing art of Arthur Crowe!
You can find his tubes in Arthur Crowe's Factory.

I used PTU awesome scrapkit "Regal Rubbish" by Abstract Creations.
You can find her kits in Pics For Design or OScrapCandyShack.

I made some snaggables out of this tag.
Click on image to save full-size.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

My second try at writing a tutorial.

Supplies Used

Tube: Ellie Milk_Hot Blonde

Scrapkit: Elise by LeaUGoScraps

Plugins: Xero - Porcelain
AAA Frames - Foto Frames

Font: I used MaSexy

New Image - 600x250 px 
Flood fill white
rename layer background
Open Pp06
Resize to 700x700
copy and paste as a new layer
rename layer paper
open el59
resize 2x by 50%
Adjust - sharpen
copy and paste as a new layer
Move to the left to your liking
Drop shadow 0, 0, 50, 3
Duplicate layer
Mirror and flip
Merge Down
Rename layer flower
change opacity to 75
Click on paper layer
Copy and paste your tube close up as new layer
Move tube to the right some to your liking
Effects - Xero - Porcelain (default settings)
Change opacity  to 50
Change blend mode to Overlay
Open el05
Resize 50% 2x
Adjust sharpen
Copy and Paste as a new layer
(should be above close up tube)
Move it a little to the right
The numbers on the clock should be on top of the tube
or just move it to your liking
Change opacity  to 50
Change blend mode to Overlay
Click on flower layer
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer
Move it a little to the left
Click on paper layer
Open el23
Resize 50% 2x
Adjust - Sharpen
Copy and paste as a new layer
Move to your liking
Click on flower layer
Open el27
Resize 50% x2
Copy/Paste as a new layer
Move it down and to the right some
Copy and paste your tube as a new layer
Move it a little to the left
Duplicate your tube
Change opacity to 50
Change Blend mode to Soft Light
Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur 3.00
Merge down
Close your tube layer
Copy Merged

*Make an avatar real quick*
File - New - 150x150
Paste as a new layer
Copy and paste your tube
Place to your liking
Merge All
Effects - AAA frames - Foto Frame
5, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 50
Add your copyright
Add your name
Save as png

*back to banner tag*
Open tube layer
Merge All
Effects - AAA frames - Foto Frame
5, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 50
Add your copyright
Add your name
(For name I used MaSexy Font 36pt Smooth)
Save as png

This tag was made with the awesome art  of Ismael Rac.
The tube is called "Happy St Patrick's Day" and you can get it HERE.

I used PTU scrapkit "Emotionally Yours" by Mystical Illusions!
You can find it in Scraps From The Heart.
MIZ is designer of the month over there so all her kits are on sale.

I used template 25 created by me.
You can find it HERE.

My Blinkie


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Temps in Bulk

You can find my templates in bulk for download HERE Templates 001-650 for now. Will add the rest when I get a chance.

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